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All the News that's fit to print (Or Post?)

​October 2024

Wow! It's been a minute. Sorry I've been so lax in putting news here, but the truth is, since creating monthly newsletters, my "what-am-I-up-to" energy has gone there, and not here on my website. So, rather than spending time here and not there, I'm putting my newsletter sign up at the top of this page, just for you.


Let's make a deal--if you want to know what I'm up to, sign up for my newsletter. I'll promise to keep those monthly newsletters coming, and you'll forgive me for being a slouch on this page. Sound fair?



February 2024

Hi gang! Yep, I've been busy working on a new project. It's a secret for now, but I can't wait to tell you all about it. Spoiler alert: it may be a new book!


Also, I've been invited to do a bookstore appearance, probably sometime in April in my home countyOrange County, California. Details soon to follow! Stay tuned!



January 2024

Ok, promises made, promises kept. Check out my wonderful chat with Maddie Marguerita and the Southern California Writer's Association here


We talk a bit about writing, and specifically my latest book, Jingle Boys. Don't worry, no spoilers (at least not big ones)!



December 2023

Well, the holidays were busy and I was still able get some writing done. Also, I did a thing with the Southern California Writer's Association (SCWA) that I can't wait to tell you about. Tune in next month! 



November 2023

Heading to Las Vegas for a writing conference, culminating in an author and reader signing event. Check out the deets here. As I ready for the trip, I am humbled and honored by all the wonderful support I continue to feel from those who have supported my writing effortsmy family, my friends, my writing community, and those of you who are here, visiting my website. Writing is not a solitary endeavor and my experience is proof of it. Now, off to learn, laugh, meet friends, and sign books. Life is good!



October 2023 (even more)

October 26 - the official release day for Jingle Boys! My latest work of historical fiction is now available both as a paperback and for the Kindle. I have all the feelings you'd expect and a few that seem new. Nevertheless, the most persistent of all the feelings is the feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to write, the chance to share stories, and for the gift of inspiration just to have a story to tell. I hope those of you who read it enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed writing it.



October 2023 (more)

So much news! Jingle Boys is now officially available for eBook pre-order and the paperback will be available on 10/26. With all the buzz, I'm thrilled to say that Jingle Boys has already shown up as #1 New Release in Jewish American Fiction! and has consistently been a Top New Release in this category since it was made available. This would not have happened without the wonderful support of my readers and the support for historical fiction.


Support your indie authors, people! They need it!
















October 2023

Home stretch! Awaiting my final proof of Jingle Boys from the printer for my review. The ebook is up and ready, with an initial launch date planned for this month—October! Pre-orders should be ready by the week of 10/9 for both ebook and paperback. Cross your fingers, people! This is happening!


Looking forward to my live RAVE event in November (Readers and Authors Vegas Event) where I'll be on hand to sign books, meet some readers, and give away some brand new bookmarks! 


Where: Horseshoe Convention Center, Las Vegas
Date: Friday 10 November 2023
Time: 10am – 4pm
Admission: Free



August 2023

Whew! July was busy. The manuscript for Jingle Boys came back from my copyeditor (two copyeditors, actually, but that's a long story), and I disappeared to the desert for a week to integrate the edits. Mercifully, they were not extensive nor hard to implement and I'm proud of the resulting manuscript. Additionally, my book cover artist returned a beautiful cover about which I am equally proud. All the planets are starting to align! I love this feeling and this moment, so full of anticipation.


And, today, the 9th of the month, the fates delivered another thrill—Jingle Boys was named a Finalist for the Page Turner Award for Writing. Just thirteen works of historical fiction were bestowed this honor for 2023 and I'm over the moon with excitement. This came just a year after the prior draft won a 5-star rating from Reader's Favorite.  


Jingle Boys is off to a great start, even before it's published. News on the publish date and pre-orders when I have it!



June 2023

It's been a busy few months, people! After a few snafus, I'm happy to report that Jingle Boys is with my copyeditor. I've also got a great cover artist working on my snazzy new cover. You probably saw it on my home page. That should mean that the new novel will be out in time for the holidays!


And, as we approach the holidays, I'm equally excited to announce I'll be returning to Vegas for The Readers and Authors Vegas Event (RAVE) in November. Read about it here.


More to come! Stay tuned!



May 2023

Copyeditor went AWOL, but I believe everything happens for a reason—and my new copyeditor seems ready to work. She's got the juice, as the kids say! Now, I'm more excited than ever. This book wants to be out there.








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