Award-Winning Author & Screenwriter

The year is 1939.
Germany has invaded Poland and France has now entered the war.
Amid the sweeping horrors of war, personal dreams are too often sacrificed. The French Girl’s War is a coming-of-age tale of a motherless Jewish girl caught in the chaos of World War II, and honors those that dare to hope during such a time.
Young Sophie Claveaux, burdened by a curse that threatens her loved ones, plans to leave her farm to study art in Paris. But when Germany invades Poland, France declares war and her father joins the French army.
Her dreams dashed, Sophie is sent to stay with her grandmother, where her father thinks she’ll be safe. Throughout her journey, Sophie meets both inspiring and threatening characters, teaching her that all things come in twos and that no place is safe in a world torn by war. To survive, Sophie must face very real enemies and conquer her own insidious fears. Many around her doubt anything good can ever happen again, forcing her to decide if she will join the mourners or seek the hope that eludes her.
A story of family relationships, personal courage, and new love, The French Girl’s War connects the reader to the larger story of World War II through the riveting tale of one young woman.

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